If you’re familiar with the web basics but still feel rather quizzical about where to start to build a professional website, or an absolute beginner to web development, this is a list of 5 resources that could colour your current web development disposition at least a shade brighter. I myself am not an expert in said realm but found those resources to be quite pearl-like in quality.
- Codecademy’s Web Developer Skills projects Codecademy is already popular for new web-development learners, and thus possibly one redundant reference already. However they’ve recently launched projects that tour you through a professional looking website and journeys you through the process. They currently offer how to Make a website and Make an Interactive Website projects. I tried the former and concluded it not only feeling more confident about producing industry-akin web works, but also learned about bootstrap (a tool making web development – here CSS – much more fun); a priceless bonus.
- BuiltWith I was doing some reading for a Coursera course (Understanding Media by Understanding Google) when I came across a Wall Street Journal article referencing builtWith. This find is a gem. Such a gem, that it triggered the need to write this article in the first place. Not only does builtWith inform you of the utensils a website used but further installs you with the technology’s usage statistics and development trends. Like I said, this find is a gem.
- Php academy is a delightful and regularly updated YouTube channel that has a wealth of web development information. It hosts short (many under 10 minutes) videos to tutor interesting versatile web projects, ranging in different scopes. For absolute beginners, checkout their pod-cast style video: What you need to become a web developer.
- CSS-tricks is a resourceful hub for CSS, html, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Make sure to check out the code snippets for CSS how-to classics (such as the “Stitched” Look or the Corner Ribbon) and more quick hacks in other technologies. If you feel confused about what various web careers exactly do, this article indexes web job titles nicely.
- Awwwards offers daily design inspiration through note-worthy designs (filtered through their evaluation system) nominated for their Site of the Day awards (there’re also monthly and annual awards). I guess this is where I discovered Robby Leonardi’s infamous resume (which if you haven’t seen it before make sure you check it out).
What do you think are invaluable tools for web development? Any key ones I've missed? Feel free to comment below your thoughts.
Hope this was fruitful. If so, feel free to share!
Till the next post;
Noha Kareem